Friday 28 December 2012

Shabby Dow Jones VS Awakening Shanghai Composite Index

By: Bulls Eye

Shabby Dow Jones VS Awakening Shanghai Composite Index

Have you taken my advice on the 20th December 2012 (2013…. Is it good or bad?)? Still remember when I suggest readers to let go their shares which has given them profit? Okay, today do let me elaborate more on the Dow Jones weekly chart in order to give you a clearer picture on what I’ve analyzed.

Most of the traders who rely on technical analysis would understand the basis of Elliott Wave Theory. According to this theory, the wave counts starts from number 1 till 5, then an adverse direction will occur which starts from A to C

If we were to apply this theory in Dow Jones (which I always do), we can clearly see from year 2010 till now (2012), the cycle has gone through and now it is in wave number 5 or even has the possibility that we are entering the adverse direction of A,B & C.

Regardless of which position we are at, we can clearly see that investors or fund managers are not putting too much of confidence towards US Markets. As such the possibility of having a bleak 2013 for US and Malaysia markets would be very high. With this kind of probability, my advice is to stay “on the fence” or NOT to emerge into shares and equities too much. Perhaps you may change your investment direction to FOREX or FUTURES due to the possibility of strengthening US Dollars? (Please refer to Forexter for advise).

Although US don’t seem to look that promising for 2013, there is another uprising superpower country which perhaps we could pay attention to…. which is CHINA. Let us recall Shanghai Composite Index’s (SCI) history… SCI has fallen deeply from 6000 +/- to the lowest of 1900 +/-, if we were to match with Dow Jones and SCI, we may see there is a “Mirror” effect between them. As such, one part of the world seems to be bleak; perhaps there would be another part of the world that could be promising.

Let’s analyze SCI technically; SCI has contributed a sudden Breakthrough (see the red circle) which has a high possibility of a “new trend” may appear which promises bullish effect for a certain period of time. For a short period of time, SCI seems to be very “Strong” and there is a high possibility that it may be trying to reach the resistance level of approximately 2400 to 2470 .

In conclusion, I would advice traders to actually “Look East” as there might be opportunities which can hedge the “lost opportunities” which may happen in US and Malaysia next year.

Disclaimer: The information and analysis mentioned above are solely based on Invest ACE’s personal technical analysis with the aid of professional training, decades of experience and meticulous foresight; Invest ACE shall NOT be held liable for any losses (financially or otherwise) incurred by any parties relying on aforementioned analysis without prior professional consultation. Should you wish to find out more on how to invest wisely, do not hesitate to contact Invest ACE via

Thursday 27 December 2012

FCPO Trading Strategies [28/12/2012]

By: Bulls Eye

FCPO Trading Strategies for 28/12/2012

Okay, today I will keep my information short, simple and clear cut, I’ve studied today’s FCPO market and with this I would like to provide you my analysis which I’ve calculated for tomorrow:

FCPO (March 2013)

[click to enlage]

We’ve seen our FCPO closed at 2479 today, with 2484 as the highest and 2424 as the lowest. Therefore I would advice to set the strategy as follow:

Technical Chart Analysis
Through an initial screening of the chart, we are still foreseeing that the trend may continue to be bullish.

Strategy For 28/12/2012
With the indication of FCPO being possible to be bullish tomorrow, we are putting our level of confidence towards an upward movement of the price to which may try 2500 as the first level of resistance. Should there be a breakthrough, then the next level of resistance would be 2520.

But, should the price move downwards and hits the supporting level of 2440, then there is a possibility that it may be trying to hit the next supporting level of 2402.

In conclusion, traders may actually long at 2457.

Disclaimer: The information and analysis mentioned above are solely based on Invest ACE’s personal technical analysis with the aid of professional training, decades of experience and meticulous foresight; Invest ACE shall NOT be held liable for any losses (financially or otherwise) incurred by any parties relying on aforementioned analysis without prior professional consultation. Should you wish to find out more on how to invest wisely, do not hesitate to contact Invest ACE via

Wednesday 26 December 2012

The Awakening Dragon - Cyberjaya [PART 2]

By: Propster

The Awakening Dragon….. Cyberjaya – PART 2

Hi, it’s me again… did you spend a good time during this festive season? Okay, do let me refreshed our mind about my posting regarding the future of Cyberjaya previously on 18/12/2012. We’ve discussed the top 3 reasons of the uprising of Cyberjaya which includes:

1)    It has a complete and advance township planning which is governed under a few designated authorities.
2)    The myth of Cyberjaya being “too far” has been solved!
3)    Major developers has emerged actively and spurred aggressive developments in Cuberjaya

I’ve promised to have 10 main points, do let me share our with you.

     4)   Have you heard of Seri Kembangan? The Mines? Bukit Jalil, Puchong, Kajang and Cheras? These are places where people would have heard it due to their vast and rapid growth throughout these 10 years. Have you ever thought of investing in those places 10 years ago? Some that has done proper research would and they’ve earn at least triple form what they’ve paid for 10 years ago (should they’ve not let go of their property of course..), some may look down at the place, and now has regretted from it. Mind you…. Some successful investors from these places has place their bet into Cyberjaya now as they can foresee the potential in it way before I could post these online. 

5)   With the implementation of Multimedia Super Corridor (MSC) by our government, till today there are more than 500 ICT companies worldwide has their offices and branches established in Cyberjaya. So what is MSC? According to Wikipedia: The MSC flagship applications were launched to boost the MSC Malaysia initiatives and to create a multimedia utopia (hub) for innovative producers and users of multimedia technology. Consortia comprising both the local and foreign companies (MNCs) collaborated with various government agencies, departments and ministries to enhance the socio-economic development of Malaysia in the new millennium (Information Age). The Multimedia Super Corridor (MSC) is a Government-designated zone in Malaysia designed to leapfrog Malaysia into the information and knowledge age. It aims to attract companies with temporary tax breaks and facilities such as high-speed Internet access and proximity to the Kuala Lumpur International Airport.
Mind you…. This is a project that has to be born to success as the government (current or future) must NOT let this project fail because they have invested too much of resources and time for this development and failing MUST not be an option for them as the stake is too high.

6)   We all know in order for a place to be a “hot” market for investors, it has to be catchy or iconic. For example Plaza Low Yat is a place for IT and gadgets, Kenanga Wholesale City  is a place where we can see the latest fashions around. So what do we have in Cyberjaya? Well… Cyberjaya has been known as the center of animation. With the assistance of MSC and MAC3 which stands for Creative Content Centre, it would be a reality to turn Cyberjaya into Malaysia’s Silicon Valley, there are many local animation producers has emerged in Cyberjaya and I am confident that we could have famous animation studios such as Pixar’s Ltd and etc would step in into Malaysia with all the incentives and facilities provided.

Okay, I’ll stop right now; stay tuned for more reasons to invest in Cyberjaya as the Invest ACE team has gathered 10 major points for investing properties in Cyberjaya… We aim to be your best friend in investment, because “We believe, Investment is a Necessity, for the Present & Future.”

Disclaimer: The information and analysis mentioned above are solely based on Invest ACE’s personal technical analysis with the aid of professional training, decades of experience and meticulous foresight; Invest ACE shall NOT be held liable for any losses (financially or otherwise) incurred by any parties relying on aforementioned analysis without prior professional consultation. Should you wish to find out more on how to invest wisely, do not hesitate to contact Invest ACE via

Monday 24 December 2012

Merry Christmas!

Invest ACE would like to wish our dear readers a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Happy trading!

Friday 21 December 2012

Drastic Fall on Future Dow Jones, Alert & Signal Activated!

By Forexter and Bulls Eye

Drastic Fall on Future Dow Jones, Alert & Signal Activated!

By looking at this Dow Jones Chart (future market), we can see it very clearly that there is a major fall early this morning, 2 of our market analysis – Bulls Eye and Forexter would give some hints and guidance which may assist you in making decision (for both FOREX and Shares)

By Forexter:
Dow Jones couldn’t sustain its’ bullish run and tripped badly this morning. From my technical analysis, I believe that USD would gather strength and take note on two separate trading counters:

EURUSD = Bearish signal triggered, possible to achieve 100 to 120 pips
Due to the high possibility of strengthening USD, the
chance of EURUSD breaking its support is also relatively high!

USDCHF= Bullish signal triggered, possible to achieve 100 to 120 pips
Due to the high possibility of strengthening USD, the chance of USDCHF breaking its resistance is also relatively high!

*** Moving Average 100 days (Blue), Moving Average 20 days (Green)

By Bulls Eye:

With this slump in Dow Jones, I think those worldwide fund managers or major players had their “Operation Window Dressing” completed with acceptable results. As such, they will be likely to be “hands off” from the market. I would be quite pessimistic with the outcome for the share market (KLSE) next week, my advice would be the same as my previous topic, which is to dispose the shares that has given you profit because I personally felt that the market would be very “cold & misery” till 1st quarter of year 2013. I expect a drastic fall of 200 to 300 points in Dow Jones once the actual cash market opens.

Should there be any suggestion or inquiry, do contact us via e-mail at

Disclaimer: The “signals” and “hints” mentioned above are solely based on Invest ACE’s personal technical analysis with the aid of professional training, decades of experience and meticulous foresight; Invest ACE shall NOT be held liable for any losses (financially or otherwise) incurred by any parties relying on aforementioned analysis without prior professional consultation. Should you wish to find out more on how to invest wisely, do not hesitate to contact Invest ACE via

Thursday 20 December 2012

Shares and Equities

By Bulls Eye

2013…. Is it good or bad?

21/12/2012, a day which the Mayans predicted that it is the end of the world…. Some took it as a joke; some took it seriously, stacking up as much supplies as possible (as if you need it if it is the end of the world… haha). In a very reasonable way to analyze this, my personal conclusion would be…. If the Mayans were able to do prediction, then Mayans should still exist in this world.

Its okay, if “doomsday” is NOT going to be tomorrow or sometime in the near future, then the next big thing would be... how would next year be like? Would there be a crash in the market? Would they set a new high in the market? Would it be a prosperous or bloomy 2013?

Do allow me to clarify that I am making analysis based on Malaysian market as I am involved in this industry in Malaysia for more than 20 years. My analysis would base on my personal opinions and it is up to your judgment on whether my analysis would adhere to the outcome for the upcoming year.
C:\Users\Alvin Chan.AlvinChan-PC\Documents\Desktop\stocks.jpg

I am a person who fails in writing articles; as such I would like to apologize in advance for not writing a complete article that is in common with those “Market Gurus”. I’ll go straight to the point, without too much of flourishing words to ensure readers are attracted to my topic; I would list down those main concerns and I will answer it briefly with simple elaboration:

How will the market  be (In general) for 2013?
In my humble opinion, next year is indeed a very challenging year, as I think next year the market would be very volatile, it can be extremely bullish or bearish throughout the year. The reason I said this is because our market would be greatly affected by international issues such as US economy downturn, Europe Financial Crisis; Apart from this, our market also would be driven by issues in Malaysia such as the upcoming General Elections. With the historical data from the last general election for the year 2008, we can foresee that our KLSE index has a higher chance of having a big retracement as people are uncertain of the outcome of the general election. Should the current government retain its power, we could see a very stable recovery for KLSE index but I feel that the possibility of setting a new record high for the market would be very low. Should the opposition take over the power of the central government, the market perhaps would emerge into a very much volatile situation and it would be greatly affected by the “smoothness” of the transition of power from the current government to the new ones. Nevertheless, if we talk about long term, there is a high possibility that we may break new highs with the condition that the new government knows what to do to ensure a speedy recovery for our market.

Will the upcoming Malaysia’s General Election be a tumble stone or a stepping stone for the market?

In my humble opinion, I repeat… it is my humble opinion, regardless of who is in the power after the general election, I hope & I wish that they (the new government) would be more “opened” and “fair” to everyone in the society and thus attract more FDI’s in the near future. With this, a better future for everyone would seem to be a reality rather than a dream.

Will KLCI break new high for 2013?
It all boils down to the same issue… would the government set a fair playing ground for Malaysians & foreign investors? With this, we can “package & market” Malaysia as one of their attractive option to invest? We have the geometrical & stability advantage which is supposed to be a “hotspot” for investment but our country’s policy currently seems to be unattractive for them. So if we want to set a new high? Revamp the policy to suit the majority.

Should investors hold on to their shares as at right now?
As we all know, year end is always the time where major fund managers would actually perform window dressing which might or may provide good results for this month (December). But bear in mind, general election is just round the corner, at this period of time, majority of investors or market players would actually be “on the fence” and our market may not look as active as usual. As such, in my humble opinion, should you have stocks which are giving you profit, you may have the option to let it go.

What do you think about US markets for 2013? Will it affect Malaysia?
Let us have a short flashback; the United States of America has just ended their presidential election. What the Obama’s administration needs to do is to try to save their economy, while playing the balancing act between the rich and the poor. This is not an easy task, and it would take some time for them to curb their problems. This also applies to the problems in Europe, as we can see, both the US and Europe has the least potential to set new highs for their indices. As such, for a country such as Malaysia, we would definitely be affected by their (US & Europe) slow progress; it is just a matter whether it would affect greatly or little.

What do you suggest to investors who wish to buy shares for next year?
At this current moment, I would suggest NOT to participate in share trading first until the general election ends. As anything would happen because we wouldn’t know who will take over the office in Putrajaya, I will from time to time observe and would post all necessary info or opinions when the time comes. Stay tuned to for more updates and info.

Disclaimer: The information and analysis mentioned above are solely based on Invest ACE’s personal technical analysis with the aid of professional training, decades of experience and meticulous foresight; Invest ACE shall NOT be held liable for any losses (financially or otherwise) incurred by any parties relying on aforementioned analysis without prior professional consultation. Should you wish to find out more on how to invest wisely, do not hesitate to contact Invest ACE via

Wednesday 19 December 2012

How To Avoid Falling Prey To Forex SCAMMERS

By Forexter

How To Escape From The Evil Hands of FOREX Scammers?

In these recent years, FOREX has become a “Hot” topic among Investors & Speculators even in this strict country of Malaysia, where FOREX is a taboo among people as scams and swindlers finding their ways to attract the victims into their “Quick Rich Scheme through FOREX”. So in this topic, I would like to share or advice readers on How to ensure that you are choosing the right FOREX Broker?

Basically, there are indeed NO full proof ways to ensure you being secured from these thugs… but like they always say…. “Prevention is better than cure”, so let’s see if your current broker or the brokers that approached you are legitimate or safe:

1)    Browse through their official websites, nowadays traders could actually trade via their websites or they could supply you a link to download their trading platform – such as Meta Trader 4. Through their website, check out where the where the firm operates and it has been regulated by which regulations, write down their license number, you can check their authenticity through e-mail or phone. For me, I personally would recommend brokerage firms from UK (governed by FSA), US (governed by NFA), Australia (governed by ASIC) or Singapore (governed by MAS).

2)    Do you have friends or relatives that are involved in FOREX Trading? Get their opinions, see what they’ve encountered before and let them share their experiences with you. You could also search through Google and browse through some forums on reviews about the brokerage firm. Make comparisons; see who has the highest rating and why they deserve such rating. You would be surprise that through these forums, not only you can determine whether the firm is legitimate, but you can also compare their quality of service, charges and efficiency as well.

3)    Most legitimate brokers, or should I say established ones? They would provide demo versions of the trading platform to provide traders a chance to utilize their service before traders invest money into it. Be remember, to provide these services ain’t easy, most scammers wouldn’t even care about this, but there may be exceptional cases, you must take other factors into consideration before choosing your broker.

4)    Customer Service or technical support team is always a department which requires lots of resources and manpower to sustain it. Most of the legal brokerage firm has the ability to provide such services as FOREX trading works 24 hours a day, except for Saturdays & Sundays or public holidays. Give them a call, chat with them, especially at odd hours, scammers would not have the ability to provide these services.

I hope through all the advice from this topic could assist readers from falling into scammer’s trap. These scams has tarnished the image of FOREX trading as I sincerely do believe that FOREX is indeed one of the fastest and most lucrative industries around.

Thank you and happy trading.

Disclaimer: The information and analysis mentioned above are solely based on Invest ACE’s personal technical analysis with the aid of professional training, decades of experience and meticulous foresight; Invest ACE shall NOT be held liable for any losses (financially or otherwise) incurred by any parties relying on aforementioned analysis without prior professional consultation. Should you wish to find out more on how to invest wisely, do not hesitate to contact Invest ACE via

Tuesday 18 December 2012

Cyberjaya - The Future City for Living

By Propster

The Awakening Dragon….. Cyberjaya

Cyberjaya, a place which has been founded under the hands of our 4th Prime Minister - Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohammad. Situated alongside with the central government administrative center – Putrajaya. It should be a success, being strategically located and under the watch of the government. But in reality, it has been left out, with the booming success of areas around it such as Puchong, Kajang, Seri Kembangan, Bukit Jalil and etc… Why…. with so many advantages that supposed to turn Cyberjaya from a palm oil plantation into a hustle bustle city, a Silicon Valley of Malaysia, a replica of the renowned Kuala Lumpur WITHOUT - yes I said without - the negative side of KL.

I do have to agree…. There were several factors that contributed to the failure of Cyberjaya, InvestACE has done a survey and the conclusion as follows:
1)   Distance – many people claim that Cyberjaya has been located too far apart from the financial district of Kuala Lumpur
2)    There are NOT much of residential development in Cyberjaya
3)    The confidence level towards the success of this Mega Project has yet to be proven.
4)    There are many other options that has been packaged or even planned by Major Developers which has been given assurance of a huge gain margin of capital returns. Example: Bukit Jalil, Bandar Sunway.

To a certain extent, I do have to agree with them, BUT as a smart investor, InvestACE has fulfilled its promise by trying to discover the best investment location with proper analytical research and reasons….

Why Cyberjaya would be the NEXT Big Thing?

1)    It has a complete development Blueprint which has proper sections and district catered for different purposes. This would encourage a mass reduction in traffic congestions, thus creating a quality living for the residence in Cyberjaya. There are certain factors that we should be aware of:
a)    Cyberjaya is governed by 4 different authorities which includes Cyberview Sdn Bhd, which is the landowner of Cyberjaya. Setia Haruman Sdn Bhd, the main developer for Cyberjaya, is given the mandate to carry out the responsibility for zoning and developing purposes. Majlis Perbandaran Sepang which are responsible for the public infrastructures. Lastly Multimedia Development Corporation Sdn Bhd which has the authority to provide “MSC Status” company to businesses that are qualified.
b)    It is the first city to have “Fibre Optics” infrastructure fully laid down which can supply an internet speed of up to 100 Mbps at affordable rates.
c)     It is a city which industrial development is strictly PROHIBITED to ensure clean air quality throughout the city.

2)    Cyberjaya’s myth where it is located far away has long gone! Have you ever imagined the distance from Puchong to Cyberjaya is just a mere 15 minutes via highway without speeding? KL to Cyberjaya 20 minutes? There are some histories to actually enable us to ponder, when Bandar Puchong has just developed by IOI Group, people were cursing and calling purchasers “unwise” due to the distance and they can “foresee” that this investment will turn sour if they were to invest at Puchong. Guess what? Let them eat back their words, whoever who holds the properties in Puchong would be at triple fold from their initial investment. The moral behind the story is NEVER underestimate the potential of the project planned by developers, you would be surprised. Try to recall the projects such as Bandar Sunway, Kota Damansara, Bandar Mahkota Cheras and etc. Have you ever regretted NOT to invest there? Think again….
I hereby attach the map which explains the highways and routes leading to Cyberjaya and other important locations [click on image to enlarge]:

3)    Major property players have ventured into Cyberjaya. Have you ever heard of OSK? Setia Group? MK Land? UEM Land? For wise investors I am pretty sure you’ve heard of it. We understand, everyone has limited time to do research unless my job requires me to do so **smile**. So the next best thing is to follow the flow. What do I mean? Let’s say… If you’re the owner of one of the developers I’ve mentioned, would you investing millions or even billions into Cyberjaya  before you had run through a thorough study? Definitely NOT. As such, with the help of all these major players, rest assured they would not let it FAIL as they have invested so much resources in it and they’re ain’t fools. This I can assure you.

Okay, I’ll stop right here, stay tuned for more reasons to invest in Cyberjaya as the Invest ACE team has gathered 10 major points for investing properties in Cyberjaya… We aim to be your best friend in investment, because We believe, Investment is a Necessity, for the Present & the Future.”

Disclaimer: The information and analysis mentioned above are solely based on Invest ACE’s personal technical analysis with the aid of professional training, decades of experience and meticulous foresight; Invest ACE shall NOT be held liable for any losses (financially or otherwise) incurred by any parties relying on aforementioned analysis without prior professional consultation. Should you wish to find out more on how to invest wisely, do not hesitate to contact Invest ACE via

Monday 17 December 2012

SIGNAL of the Day [17/12/12]

By Forexter

FOREX Trading signal #17/12/2012/USDCHF/1
Currency: USDCHF
Actions: Long / Buy
Target Price: 0.91696
Take Profit: 0.92018
Stop Loss: 0.91515
Target Profit: 32 Pips

Good luck trading!

What Is Forex?

By Forexter

Whenever we encounter the terminology 'FOREX', layman would call it Foreign Exchange, which technically isn’t wrong. But in the investment world, we label Forex as a form of exchange for the global decentralized trading of international currencies. The word FOREX is sensitive and would have different reaction based on different age group. The young (age between 18 – 35) would find that it is an activity which has high risk with high returns, it is a game of “daringness” which might not be suitable for the majorities.

The middle age (between 35 – 50) would assume that FOREX is a scam, which is somehow true as there are many unforeseeable ‘traps’ that has been laid down by scammers, and their hard earned money would turn from INVESTMENTS to LOSSES. As a matter of fact, these are quite rampant nowadays. I’ve came across a so called “Legal Forex Brokers” which encourages its clients to introduce more clients under their wings to earn the Referral Fees, as such, it would sound like some Pyramid Scheme because the whole intention is to get more recruits rather than earning money from Forex Trading. They (the middle age group) would also find this type of investment troublesome as they would have a proper job to do and this form of investment does require an extensive amount of time to prevent unforeseen changes in the market. 

The elderly age ( 50 and above) would be interesting, they are quite extreme as some has the ‘guts’ or courage to actually join without understanding it or some are quite reluctant although they understand how the mechanism works. They (the elderly) are indeed the group which Invest ACE are worried about as they may not have the ability to sustain the pressure of the market and they may lose all their retirement savings should they are not equipped with proper knowledge, capital and strategy.

Invest ACE has done some research and would like to share out with readers on how to ensure oneself being prepared for this kind of investment:


Main Activities:      To trade various currencies (EUR, USD, GBP, JPY, AUD, NZD, CHF and etc.) between a wide range of buyers and sellers around the clock (except on weekends).

Minimum Deposit: Varies, some brokers may start from as low as USD 1.

Projected Returns: With the difference in terms of skills, experience and strategy, some would earn 3-5% monthly or more than 100%.

Risks: High but manageable with proper knowledge and mindset.

How we rate this form of investment:

High but Manageable
Initial Deposit
We believe in the phrase “Do Not Put All Eggs Into One Basket” especially Forex to yield a certain percentage of risks. We advise investors to allocate possibly 20% of the investment fund to check on your level of acceptance of the volatility in the market.
Most legal brokers will provide a “Demo” account which enables investors to try on their product / trading platform before really embarking oneself into the trading market. Some brokers will even provide training courses which would benefit investors as they would share relevant information and analysis of the market to ease the burden of investors.
Plus Points
Some brokers do have a “Fund Manager” who will trade on behalf of the investors. Usually this service is rendered on a “profit sharing” basis and also “Capital Loss Policy”. 

With Invest ACE, we will keep investors posted with the latest updates, trading hints and signals on the major trading currencies via Meta Trader 4 (MT4) platform. We will post charts, analysis, and also the reasoning behind our actions taken. All signals and hints would be provided for by one of our administrators (Forexter) who is a Forex Fund Manager in a United Kingdom Forex Trading Brokerage firm.

Disclaimer: The “signals” and“hints” mentioned above are solely based on Invest ACE’s personal technical analysis with the aid of professional training, decades of experience and meticulous foresight; Invest ACE shall NOT be held liable for any losses (financially or otherwise) incurred by any parties relying on aforementioned analysis without prior professional consultation. Should you wish to find out more on how to invest wisely, do not hesitate to contact Invest ACE via